Quality Control

GITCO is committed to delivering high-quality products that fully meet customer expectations and regulatory standards. Quality is one of the factors that gives us an advantage over our competitors in the market. Our comprehensive quality assurance program adheres to ISO-9001:2015 certificate standards and other applicable requirements, and focuses on the continuous improvement of our quality system.

GITCO’s quality control department consists of well qualified and competent professionals who have several years of industrial experience. Our highly qualified technicians are able to perform a wide range of controls in compliance with the most rigorous international standards. These auditors monitor the entire manufacturing stages to ensure the quality of the orders.

At GITCO, the QC department interacts with operations and manufacturing department on quality issues, calibration of equipment, and disposition of non-conformance. Likewise, the QC interacts with engineering department on product specifications and customer orders as well as with purchasing department on the inspection and acceptance of purchased goods.
Moreover, we invest seriously in inspection technologies and on-going training of quality inspectors. Our quality control department is equipped with all kinds of quality control tools and instruments, non-destructive testing equipment and CMM capabilities. Also, we have a calibration laboratory to calibrate precise dimensional control tools. Our quality tests are performed by our own staff and some by accredited laboratories. Non-Destructive controls, including VT, PT, MT, RT and UT, are carried out by GITCO’s qualified inspectors certified according to ASNT Level II.

Additionally, our ERP system gives us full traceability of history, location and trajectory of a product or batch of products along the supply chain. Traceability is maintained under disciplined documentation practices on raw materials, manufacturing processes and quality control inspections and tests. Most documents are electronically stored for every product. We submit complete documentation of each product, all according to our customers’ demands.